As an artist, concerning the accusation that Dave Chappelle is homophobic, I believe whether good or bad, no religion, gender, sexuality or nationality, etc., should be safe from art criticism. However, I want to point out how these other communities have more effective ways to remove what they consider oppressors, critics, or unjust treatment without marching or protesting in the streets.
How do we listen to the outcries from feminists, LGBTQ, Jews, Arabs, or other minority groups but never the black community? Who influences the consequence of people who speak negatively about them or their culture? The same is not the case when the police murder an innocent black or brown person. The comedian Dave Chappelle was accused of homophobia because he says what he and many people think.
Homophobia in Modern Society
Anything negative about Jews is anti-Semitic. Express your religious beliefs about the LGBTQ lifestyle, but society will accuse you of homophobia. Condemn feminism, and there is a community that speaks out. But people vaguely criticize racism with no serious consequence. This has come to a scary point. Everyone who opposes same-sex marriage is not homophobic. He spoke the truth about the lack of respect for tradition and double stands in the expectations of LGBT and Q people. Society hears the voices of other minority groups yet does not respond when Blacks are wronged. How do you convey your message and take it seriously when it is not? As Blacks, we have life threats, financial disenfranchisement, and things of that nature. Where is the balance here?*