The art, history, and cultures in Europe’s art-driven lifestyle have always fascinated me. This continent bleeds creativity. I embarked on a road trip to Enschede, Holland, East of the Netherlands—to meet the Dutch painter Rene Guillot for the first time. In East Holland, I wrote, rapped, produced, and executive produced this blazing hot Hip Hop & Rock and Roll track called “Demodogs.” I featured Punk rapper T. I. M. [a Holland native]. Meeting Rene was a magical experience. He is the first painter I know who lives in an art gallery. Upon meeting him, we discovered that I am an author and Hip Hop artist. He revealed to me that he’s gifted with an electric guitar. Our subsequent conversations led him to invite Tim Jan Blaauwbroek to his home so he could introduce us. Tim is a Hip Hop/Punk Rock in Enschede.

The Session
As I was working on new music, I had an instrumental. T. I. M agreed to collaborate with me on the song “Demodogs.” Along with Rene, he made some phone calls to invite a drummer and bass player and booked a studio session booked. We hit the studio a day later. When we came out, we had this organic and epic Hip Hop / Punk Rock track – “Demodogs.” I want to extend my appreciation to Rene Guillot and Tim Jan Blaauwbroek. They assisted a divine intervention as it came to fruition.
Rene Guillot is a purebred Hollander who conducts a band dubbed “Root Brain.” He once sculpted a statue called “The Dream Catcher.” I look forward to more creative endeavors with the two of these artists.

They located the monument on Christoffel mountain in Curacao.
Rene dedicated the statue to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and all freedom fighters worldwide.*