I have written extensively about feminism, where I’ve made several points. 1. The feminist movement became radicalized after its third wave. And such radicalization has affected the romantic relationships between men and women. It has also threatened to destroy the fabric of traditional cultures. 2. I’ve stated that the movement should not be political. It shouldn’t push its agenda in government, the educational system, or the mainstream media. Nor major entertainment corporate industries. 3. Their call for equality does not affect men’s rights and liberties. And 4. that feminism cannot speak for all women. By doing so, the movement could strip some women of the right to choose not to be feminists.

These are my main points of contention. I’ve also made it clear in my writing. I distinguish feminism as an ideology. In speaking against the ideology’s radical aspects, I support its revisionist viewpoints. They include women’s rights and liberties. I talk against domestic abuse, child brides, or forced arranged marriages. I’m against the abuse of women. All women must be treated respectfully, equally, and somewhat in society. Of course, I support all agendas of the first and second waves of feminism.
I have not condemned feminism entirely. Instead, I’ve advocated for fine-tuning its ideology to recognize men as victims of the issues that affect women. The call for change is not for men to fight feminism. It is for society as a whole to correct the fundamental aspects of the system. Things that may put people of the opposite sex at a disadvantage. I’ve rejected the notion of a “rape culture.” Yet, I acknowledge rape is a problem for some women when exposed to sexual predators. I am saying this to differentiate between an honest, inexperienced suitor from an outright sex abuser.*