Freddy Will's Notebook SOCIAL JUSTICE Is it Murder When Officers Commit Murder?

Is it Murder When Officers Commit Murder?

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Getting straight to the point; in the United States of America, there is a name for everything. If you live [not visited] there, you know this. It’s a place we call home. We represent our cities among a galore of enemies. To me, being a proud American has often meant the forgoing of a few foreign friends. In most other countries the people view us much less than an admired slang talker in a pair of blue jeans. Or a Yankee t-shirt beside some Nike sneakers and a bottle of water. Besides, everybody is speaking slang and wearing jeans or khakis nowadays. Your opposing enemy lives eats, drives or earns American even as she/he criticizes you for being an American.

Does this mean a drunken husband should be wrestled away?

Carry the red, white and blue flag today. Even if you are in neighboring Canada or Mexico that can ignite more resentment than you’d anticipate. One cannot taint an American as unpatriotic. If he/she made observations on the many double standards that concern the police. Let’s just say it plain and simple, they have no respect for civilians. Whether it’s a traffic stop, a domestic call or a neighborly quarrel, the police lie routinely. They bully, damage property or murder people in a corrupt fashion. The standard argument is that they forfeit their lives in the line of duty to protect Americans. Well, many citizens don’t believe that.

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Many citizens are overwhelmingly disgusted with the police misapplication of power. Soldiers sacrifice their lives for the country. They put themselves in harm’s way for the country. The police do not nor do society require them to do so. Is this not why we have the National Guard? To protect the nation on the home front? Besides, when it comes to defending any country, who better do that than the citizens themselves? They are the one who elects their government and owns the land. No one can protect a nation better than its citizens. In this regard, the police are only there to help.

…in America there is a name for everything. Any act of violence against the police has a name and punishment that goes along with it.”

No one is naive here. We know there are criminals would fight back when the police confront them. Especially in the act of a crime. Some of them might even shoot the cops for whatever reasons. Does this mean they should wrestle with somebody’s drunk husband? Or an unruly teenager killed in cold blood? This has to be a stretch of authority. How can you murder your own countrymen after swearing to protect them? It is very rare that a common thug or hoodlum would open fire on the police instead of running away in share respect for the uniform.

Those who fight with the police turn out to be either mentally ill, deeply troubled by personal issues or idiots. In which case, many law-abiding citizens will gladly turn them in. As I’ve said earlier, in America, there is a name for everything. Any act of violence against the police has a name and punishment that goes along with it. Lawmakers remain ever devoted to the police. Is it a coincidence that we have a biased court system? Every cop has a cult-like fidelity to the welfare of another. They cannot use safety as an excuse. Cops have overwhelming support, equipment, and authority.

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Sadly, what America did not have in 2014 is a name for the event when a police officer murders an innocent teen or any victim for that matter. There are countless instances when police officers have killed innocent civilians especially young black men without legal consequence. The worst you hear is the judge put the murderer on a taxpayer-funded leave. A paid leave after murdering a kid? There is no name for such an act, and the police meet the public’s outcry with more bullying. The police chief repeats the age-old lie that they are investigating the case. The same people who protect the murdofficer are the ones conducting an investigation on the murdofficer? Will they do that if they were the victim?

Our lawmakers must carefully define these questions. Because it’s likely that our police will do more to protect each other while misleading the public…”

When you hear the phrase “protect and serve” you should ask yourself, who is the police really serving and who are they really protecting? Our lawmakers must carefully define these questions. Because it’s likely that our police will do more to protect each other while misleading the public that they are there to protect them. This is very important to the essence of American democracy. Who does the police work for? Who do they answer to? Anyone above the cops? Please don’t say the governor because we know now that the police are his or her enforcers. There has to be a separate body that regulates the police and through whom citizens can get swift justice.

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When you already have a powerful military and a capable National Guard, it begs to question why the local police need military style weapons, tanks, and equipment to maintain peace among unarmed citizens? Homeland Security? We have the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security itself for that. We do not need to militarize local or state police. Maybe SWAT but not to attack unarmed citizens. Keep in mind that lawmakers who citizens vote for have already mandated stiff gun laws. We have courts. Regardless of the second amendment, we have far fewer armed citizens than armed ones. A militarized police are not necessary.

We do not need local or state police to be militarized. Maybe SWAT but not to attack unarmed citizens.”

Better yet, a heavily armed police department is bound to misuse that power when it is not needed. We live in a country where the average citizen is powerless, law beaten, and hard-working. We believe we live in a free country. When civilians speak of justice, we refer to a fair trial where murderers are brought to court, tried fairly and thrown into prison or given the death penalty if found guilty. Once someone kills or murders, they should be arrested. As Americans we expect laws to apply to everyone including government officials and police officers. There cannot be one procedure for civilians and another none transparent one for police officers. *

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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