Isn’t it suspicious how the Liberal side of the mainstream media humiliates Stacy Dash for the end of her fourth marriage? If she were a Democrat, they would have painted her as a brave victim. Am I mistaken? Did the lousy press about Stacy Dash occur because she expressed Conservative opinions? That’s my observation. Some say the Liberals would only portray someone in a favorable image if that person bolsters their agenda. If not, they seem to break their ethical code. Other people accuse Stacy of behaving like a coon. That is because she has reprimanded the Democrats. By all accounts, first, she voted for former President Barak Obama. It is important to note that the black community often leans toward the Democratic point of view.
Obama was relatively silent after numerous police killings of unarmed black men.
Stacy voiced her belief that the former president did not implement legislation directly benefiting his people. He said he was not just a president for blacks but for everyone. Obama was relatively silent after numerous police killings of unarmed black men. So Stacy said fuck it and endorsed Mitt Romney after she saw Obama putting more energy behind LGBTQ agendas. Stacy later preferred Trump over Clinton, ditched the Dems, and went Conservative. Once she did, she went from being the industry sweetheart to a coon? She also criticized Jay-Z and Beyoncé’s trip to Cuba. Regarding the debate over the use of gender-specific bathrooms, pronouns, and public identity, she said that transgender rights “infringe upon her own.”

Is it wrong for a Democrat to support Paul Ryan and file to run in California’s Congressional District in the Congressional Election as a Republican? All her woes appeared once she switched her identity from one political party to another. I don’t see that as cooning. She supports the right to bear arms, and she’s an advocate against domestic violence. When you look closely, she appears to be “woke.” Okay. What makes one a coon or woke? Seeing as she left what most conspiracy theorists describe as “the plantation,” now the media are celebrating her demise. They’d be praising her as a survivor if she was another female. Whether or not we agree, the fact remains to be seen. Are we ignoring the double standard in this case?
In this case, I’ve come to my conclusion because her attacks came from the Liberal side.
What if there was domestic abuse in her marriage? Is it possible that she made all those accusations falsely? So, because she was unsuccessful in her previous marriages, that means it was all her fault? Once she spoke up against Democrats, we focused on the meaning of woke and coon instead of the double standard in the mainstream Liberal media. In this case, I’ve concluded that her attacks came from the Liberal side. That does not mean the Conservatives are off the hook. I’m Independent. It’s scary. By Liberals, in this context, I don’t necessarily mean the political party. I refer to the media outlets and people who identify with the ideology. Ultimately, I have not heard the Conservatives throw her under the bus.*