Could Donald Trump be right to reopen the country? The following table lists the ten countries most affected by the coronavirus. It shows the number of confirmed cases, reported deaths, and recovery from January to now. It seems that the number of people who have recovered is far higher than those who have died. New cases have risen to no more than 5% of the population. The proverbial light at the end of the tunnel is practically visible. Perhaps in two more weeks, this would no longer be a pandemic. I stimulate you to realize that all life is precious. Even if a person dies from it, that one person is a lot. We’ve lost more than 428,939 lives since December, and that’s a lot of great people.
To be brutally honest and blunt, the virus could have had a far more devastating impact on the world. Just because of what we learned from the 1918 pandemic, now we know what to do. I’m sure the cure is out there.
Those are lives lost that we will never get back. For the living, if we can figure out how the virus spreads and come up with a safe way to get on with our lives, then maybe we should consider that as opposed to allowing an economic depression to occur in addition to this. The current population of the US is estimated at 327. 2 million people. 5% of 300 million is 15 million. 5% of 327 million is 16 350 000. To be brutally honest and blunt, the virus could have had a far more devastating impact on the world. Because of what we learned from the 1918 pandemic, we now know what to do. I’m sure the cure is out there. We have to find it. My point is as of June 2020. We have approximately 8 billion people on earth. 428, 939 is 0.01% of 8, 000, 000, 000.

In six months, we have not cracked 1% of deaths. The total number of confirmed cases globally is 7 749 812 people. That is 0.1% of the world’s population. That is not 1918. If we have already slowed a person’s personal transmission rate, then in 2020, we have enough science to figure that out. The death toll is significant no matter how low, but we could survive this unprecedented challenge as a species. President Trump claims that more people die from car accidents yearly, yet we’re still driving. If we can figure out how to control the spread, maybe we can get back out there. The coronavirus plandemic has got us running for cover like what; some people won’t stay inside. I didn’t realize how stubborn people are until this thing hit.
I’ve heard another virus coming out of China, which is even deadlier. It’s called Hantavirus. So yes, we must figure out how to go out without catching the coronavirus. People have things to do. The super special stimulus package, mainly consisting of grants instead of loans, is also Trump’s idea. He uses harsh words, but his actions have been level-headed. I can’t call it, so I’ll let you tell me. I’ve always questioned what if we “build that wall” and something terrible happened. Will the wall prevent us from being able to run to seek refuge in Mexico? Everyone is talking but look at Mexico. They don’t seem to have this situation under control. When you speak of North America, most people only seem to think about the United States and Canada. We don’t have a lot of information concerning this pandemic.
This is probably a good time to reinvent the healthcare system
Regardless of the coronavirus, are we sleeping in Mexico? We often look at Mexico like that sixth toe, but they could be better than the rest in many ways when push comes to shove. I saw a post on my timeline where someone said when you sneezed before, they said bless you, but now they say fuck you. I also read another article about a man who got jumped and kicked off a bus after sneezing while riding on the bus. This is probably a good time to reinvent the healthcare system in the United States. Up to this point, the American healthcare system has exploited the sick. It is a system designed to abuse the patient financially at the expense of nurses. Healthcare costs are high, while healthcare facilities remain understaffed.
This coronavirus plandemic has exposed the fact that the United States is a superpower, and its healthcare system is not as effective as it should be regarding our access to first-class treatment. That’s why so many Americans have died. Most of the hospitals and nursing homes were severely understaffed. Many nurses had already reached their breaking point long before this plandemic showed up. President Obama tried to solve the problem, but his solution was unpopular because it guaranteed affordable care to patients when the system was designed to exploit the sick in their time of need. Almost 8 million people are infected all over the world. I don’t know how accurate is my point of view, but honestly, someone has to be held accountable.
There has to be a way for ordinary people to get their hands on the equipment (like the infrared thermometer, for example) and check for themselves or their family members. That way, they are one step ahead of the curve.
This virus has risked the lives of billions of people and led to an economic disaster that could cripple the world for decades to come. Whoever is responsible must be held accountable, but can they even pay up? I saw a doctored YouTube video where Kanye West somewhat predicted this mess. He said the words. That made me wonder if someone knew about this plandemic long before it spread worldwide. The truth is coded. We must break these sophisticated cryptograms to get one drop of the fact. The number of infected cases has arisen dramatically in Russia, Brazil, India, and Africa. The United States, Spain, Italy, and Germany (four major world powers) are now fighting for our civilization.
I want to send a big shout-out to all the doctors, pharmacists, nurses, and healthcare professionals who have given their lives to fight this virus. The same goes for those who are in the fight right now. I have family members recovering, my community in New Jersey has caught several bodies, and there is no end in sight. We pray for this to end. The authorities cannot test everybody. There has to be a way for ordinary people to get their hands on the equipment (like the infrared thermometer, for example) and check for themselves or their family members. That way, they are one step ahead of the curve. If you have a list of people, let me know which products they need. Then send me your shipping address. We will take it from there.*