Freddy Will's Notebook HEALTH & WELLNESS Adding Straight people to the LGBTQIA+ to Create a SLGBTQIA+ Community

Adding Straight people to the LGBTQIA+ to Create a SLGBTQIA+ Community

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Should they add straight to the LGBTQIA+ Community? That’s it. Why are straight people not a part of the LGBTQIA+ Community? In modern secular societies, one finds that one wants to belong to a section within the community of sexual orientations. Maybe you want to interact sexually with members of other areas who don’t want to interact with you. There is a grouping procedure that some in the LGBTQIA+ Community don’t apprehend. Their difficulty occurs when one disagrees with the other despite being both in the same LGBTQIA+ Community. Why is the straight section not included in this community?

The lesbian may still see a man, especially when she possesses a penis.

A gay content creator talks about the contrast between LGB and TQIA+. To him, they’re different subsets. When introducing the TQIA+ side of the equation, biological males become females, and biological females become males. The TQIA+ have asexual people and other sexual preferences that don’t fit the gender or sexual preferences of the LGB. For example, a gay person is gay because they are a biological male sexually attracted to other biological males. A lesbian is a biological woman sexually attracted to other biological women. A bisexual person is of one sex and is sexually attracted to both sexes.

Why question who belongs? Is straight not a sexual orientation? A revolution is slowly unfolding among those in the LGBTQIA+ Community. The TQIA+ side often applies the abandonment culture to ALL those who contradict their tastes. A trans person may label a bisexual person as transphobic because that bisexual person only prefers the biological. In another example, find a situation where a trans woman who was previously a natural man but still has a male sex organ wants to date a lesbian because she believes she’s now a woman. The lesbian may still see a man, especially when she possesses a penis.

However, that trans woman might call the lesbian a transphobic. She does not accommodate her counterpart because she was previously male. The same could happen to a gay man uncomfortable having sex with a trans man who once or still possesses his vagina and uterus. The LGB side might recognize the birth gender, while the TQIA+ identifies as the opposite. When I started writing about social discourses, it was about our precious opinions. Everyone had a right to their belief and a constitutional right to free speech. 2023 said it’s really about everyone and who some can identify as… So straight?

 Racism itself is a war based on sexual preference and genetics.

Why not? Why are they discriminating? A black person cannot identify as white. A janitor cannot identify as a doctor. Who are you, and who am I – sexually? The emphasis is on the word sexually. That means they carefully ensured I could not identify as a five-star military general. Do straight people no longer matter when only one preference applies? Platforms like Facebook immediately classify one as phobic or label them as someone making hate speech. The only priority is a valid expression. At that point, we speak of abandonment culture. The modern mentality challenges every norm of the traditional process.

But why? In a world where free speech is a right, however, one side of the argument is not even one side. It’s several sides. Is this a resurgence of white supremacy under the guise of civil rights, except the issue is no longer racial justice? Yes, you thought right. The point is not just what sex organ a person has but who they intend to use it on. No matter what sexual orientation one claims, they have a sex organ. In most places, people regard this organ as a weapon, not a tool. That’s why the sex scene is one of the most racist and bigoted places on the planet. Racism itself is a war based on sexual preference and genetics.

We also have tribalism, nationalism, radical feminism, and nepotism pushing back. These undocumented forms of segregation run deep. In most parts of the world, the most tolerant people see them as an exception to the rule. You heard me right. Racism, tribalism, nepotism, and nationalism are excepted in the dating, marriage, or sex scene. They happen long before any phobia occurs and stem at the root of all discrimination. In the straight world, we segregate based on wealth, race, occupation, tribal background, nationality, religion, nepotism, political affiliation, class, criminal background, culture, tradition, etc.

Sex might be everything.

The world has always discriminated against straight folk. Just because two straight people are sexually obsessed with each other doesn’t mean they can go ahead and pamper. Family members, friends, society, or administrators of dating and social media sites may interfere with the express intent to prevent this union from happening. Why is that? Because, at the root, they do not believe that these genetics or astrological compositions of the two persons belong together. 90% of pregnancies after rape are terminated. Until recently, the world considered children born out of wedlock bastards or illegitimate.

Straight sex has always been a controversial subject. We prohibit children from choosing to engage in heterosexual sex not only because it’s physical, emotional, and psychological abuse. We do not think they understand the social, racial, genetic, or political implications. Sex might be everything. When I say sex is everything, I mean that the reproductive effects of intercourse are a matter of life and death. It’s the ultimate matter of national security. If someone denies you the opportunity to have heterosexual relations, whether they know or admit it, they have sentenced you to death because that sex is life.

When someone embraces you in a heterosexual relationship, they proclaim life upon you. That is the meaning of love, to give life. Even with birth control, every time we have sex, we try to reproduce. I consider it genetic suicide to kill off your genes by refusing to reproduce sexually. And we haven’t even gotten to the LGBTQIA+ side of the argument. That’s just the heterosexual part of the debate. We get what we know as a society by adding civilization, philosophy, religion, culture, and tradition to intercourse. Meanwhile, every race of people has created its living space on earth. Our will to survive is genetic.

Looking at the mainstream media, dating sites, love, romance, hookup sites, or pornography, you will think that the Caucasian race is at the top of the coupling saga. Log on to most hookup sites about nightlife advertising, dating, or sex, and you will see a white male leading the pack, getting all the action. You will even find some Asian, Middle Eastern, and Indian men pretending to be white, hoping to land at the top of the pack. Someone recently lamented that white men have been traveling to third-world countries to find traditional brides for decades, but no one has said anything negative about that.

As black men started popping up in the same places looking for the same, talk of passport brothers surfaced. White supremacy lives. Therefore, another way to murder someone is to prevent them from reproducing. Someone can wipe you and your lineage out by forcing you to stay single. Suppose we approximate the populations of some of this planet’s densely populated races. In that case, we fall in the range of 1.4 billion Chinese, 1.4 billion Indians, 1.3 billion Africans, and 746.4 million Caucasians. This means that Chinese men, Indians, and Africans are much more likely to get laid than Caucasian men.

It has to do with their genetic survival, which also explains racism. Most straight Caucasian men give birth to only one or two children, while Indian and African men father more than three children. Even most single black men generate more than six children under multiple baby mothers. But if you log into your favorite porn website, you will think white men are having all the sex and believe they’re in more demand on the sex scene. Why is it so crucial for any white-owned media platform to make it appear that white men are the sexiest men? When it’s the Chinese man who is getting the most action on the planet.

As far as the rest of the LGBTQIA+, I wouldn’t call it a choice. Society has political, financial, religious, military, educational, technological, and all related establishments. These establishments depend on exchanging goods and services backed by natural and mineral resources. I could write a book about how heterosexual sex is in the fabric of this rabbit hole of humanity. Or how one needs wealth to feed oneself and their offspring. This would most likely bring us back to the order of sex. The most beautiful woman only implies that she’s the healthiest. Same as the most handsome man, he’s the most sexually potent.

 S (for straight) in front of the LGBTQIA+, making it the S-L-G-B-T-Q-I-A+…

Once we remove the reproductive aspect from sex, we have pleasure in high demand. You won’t reproduce genetically, but you will enjoy yourself before you die. It’s like guns with blank bullets—the 24 years old college grad is just a little girl. If you’re straight, you should date the 50 years old model even if you will no longer reproduce biological children. Forget about furthering your last name. Forget about raising a family. Just enjoy your career and live with pets. When we go down that road of women meaning more than their reproductive value, we will eventually arrive at the dreaded genetic suicide station.

SLGBTQIA+. The further right you go, the less likely it becomes to reproduce yourself sexually, but the further left you go, the more likely it becomes to reproduce yourself sexually. So if you asked me to create a scale of sexual preferences, I would put an S (for straight) in front of the LGBTQIA+, making it the S-L-G-B-T-Q-I-A+ Community. If the intention is pure, there should be no need to discriminate against heterosexual people. If sexual orientation is not one’s choice but who they are, we will all be free to express our sexuality. We will belong. Now let’s see when everyone will understand this message.*

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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