DJ Mike Stoan: Hmmmmm, why not join all of them then?
Freddy Will: Tracing your ancestry to Africa is easy, bro. Once you get to Africa, the lineage goes even further back. My entire family consists of Loko, Mende, Fula, Temne, and Mandingo tribes. Due to intermigration, intermarriage, tribal wars, and adoption, the people mixed up in an untraceable way. However, the languages, music, cultural tradition, spirituality, and food of each tribe are a lot to learn. I’ve known people who identify with as many as four tribes at a time but nothing more. That four would mean each grandparent came from a different tribe.
Primarily, people identify with one or two tribes. My mom’s father is Mandingo, and her mom is an African American Creole woman from Mississipi. My dad’s father was Loko, yet his mom was Temne. I identify as Loko/Mandingo or just Loko. You can be one tribe, and it’s fantastic. Or you can be two or three but no more than four. It’s up to you to decide if you can handle the workload of learning all the traditions, languages, and spirituality of each tribe.
DJ Mike Stoan: Of course, it’s the easy part, lol. Again like I said, it is what is stated, accurate or not. Let’s deal with the facts. No tribe tried to claim us back, but we’re supposed to figure it out. There’s only so much a DNA test can show you. For you, you already know your lineage. Most on this side of the globe have no clue.
Freddy Will: Yes, they tried to claim enslaved blacks. The Africans fought to stop the slave trade. They killed so many slave traders, especially along the Niger river. Africans fought so fiercely that the slavers began to call us savages. They ignorantly termed all blacks as niggers, which meant a beast from Niger. The N-word came from us fighting for black people. The West won’t stop. They ignored the truth and continued pillaging and enslaving.
DJ Mike Stoan: How did they claim them after they were enslaved?

Freddy Will: During slavery and the slave trade, we had some Africans who helped sell others into slavery and those who fought to stop it. On that premise where black people are divided, also try not to heed comedians who often suggest that no African country or leader came to pick up the blacks who suffered in slavery. That statement is not very enlightening. We must first consider how the world worked during slavery (the 1400s – 1800s). If you recall, the Royal British Navy was the most potent force in the world then. No other country could beat them at sea, and they patrolled the oceans regularly. The French also had a superior navy that aggressively patrolled the oceans and seas.
Some African countries also had fleets, but none matched the British and the French in those days. Okay, so take the option of sailing ships to America, Canada, and the British Empire to pick up black people, who were the essential products in the government-sanctioned slave trade, off the table. Now you’re left with petitions, calls, condemnations, or outright war. Now look back and determine the most potent African leaders on the continent during that time. Most of those leaders did all they could to end slavery.
However, the West was superior in military, propaganda, and aviation. So, yes, Africa stood up to the West and claimed the black people, but the West refused. We had to attend Western universities, study political science from the perspective of the direction, return to Africa or the Caribbean Islands, establish a western style government, and seek our Independence from them. That is what led to Independence Day. To this day, we are still fighting to take back our land and free our people.
DJ Mike Stoan: Exactly my point. Couldn’t, didn’t, not able to, same shit. At least some enslaved people freed themselves without the help of the West or Africa. Those who were able to do that have a direct link and were able to preserve their language and culture. The responsibility for the lost to be found isn’t entirely on the lost. The blind can’t lead the blind.
Freddy Will: So basically, you’re saying we can’t stop police brutality or racism because from your point if we can’t beat them at war, then we are just lost. I respectfully disagree, and hence why you should join the African fight. There are other ways to end the madness. It could be a long shot, but it works. Every effort counts. We do as we can and know that the struggle continues. Or, as Nipsey Hussle said, the Maraton continues.

DJ Mike Stoan: I didn’t say that. That’s what you’re implying. As I said, there were groups that we enslaved who freed themselves with no assistance from the West or Africa. Being racist is a choice. I can’t stop someone from choosing to be that way. No, I am saying the majority of enslaved black people are lost. Fuck, the struggle continues. Why not end it altogether so the battle won’t continue? There is no African fight to join. It’s either they want to be free or not. Sooner or later, Africa will become China, and Africa is welcoming it with open arms.
Freddy Will: We are Africans. Those enslaved people you refer to who freed themselves are Africans. Suppose an African helped him or herself; that is Africa helping right there. The continuation of the struggle or marathon is not because we want it to; it’s because we have no choice but to keep pushing. We have to keep kicking the can down the road until we get the opportunity to get rid of it. This is why earlier on, I said I agreed with the first part of the meme you shared. Slavery did strip all black people, including Africans, of their true identity. However, I’m afraid I have to disagree with the second part because we can choose to return to Africa and reclaim or rebuild our identity. It’s up to us to play our role in the struggle before we are gone.
DJ Mike Stoan: Yes, they did, but the ones in Africa and the Europeans didn’t come to their aid. If I said Mike freed himself, does that mean all the world’s Mikes contributed to his freedom? How will returning to Africa restore anyone’s identity if Africans in Africa haven’t fixed their identity? If Africa can’t repair itself with many lists, Africans can’t improve it.
Freddy Will: Hahaha! Yes, if all the Mikes were blood-related and connected to the same struggle. Just recently, the tribal people of Benin realized that they had lost the spiritual aspect of an ancient traditional dance ritual. They were then informed of a community of black people in South America who were descendants of enslaved people from Benin. Those enslaved people had brought the tradition to South America, practiced it, and passed it to generations of their lineage. The rule is being practiced in South America today.
A few years ago, the people of Benin found out about it. They traveled to South America, reconnected with their brothers and sisters, relearned the tradition, and brought it back to Benin. Also, the people of Sierra Leone recently discovered a Temne-speaking group in Grenada. Temne is a prominent historical tribe of Sierra Leone that has lost part of its history. The Sierra Leoneans went to Grenada, connected with those Temne-speaking people there, and compared notes to trace back the lineage of the tribe.
DJ Mike Stoan: Not if they weren’t there or involved. But that’s the point. For the few that were able to maintain their culture. We’re speaking about those who weren’t able to do so. I know of many different groups that have direct links. Not everyone was lucky to do so. Hence the post.*