Freddy Will's Notebook SOCIAL JUSTICE Meek Mill Fight’s for Reforms in Rigged Criminal Justice System

Meek Mill Fight’s for Reforms in Rigged Criminal Justice System

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It saddens me to continue to express my frustration with the criminal justice system in the United States. In the article “Meek Mill’s Fight is not finished,” CNN’s Deena Zaru report on Meek’s fight for reform in the rigged criminal justice system. Remember that a conflict exists in America about the judicial system. The mainstream media does not use words such as “rigged” when they refer to the justice system. That makes them part of the problem. Add salt as you read their articles since they often curve the facts.

As an American, I want to say the most beautiful things about law enforcement and the court system. But that would be silly. History says differently, but I would love to make positive remarks. Contrarily, I lack the right words when describing the depth of dishonesty among law officials when they interact with citizens of the minority population. Police brutality ranges from forcing a decent person to lie on the ground for no reason to the unmerciful beating of the “suspect”  to the murder of a child or a parent.

I honestly believe every policeman in America is a potential murderer.

One person may say, Well, police keep peace, security, and law in communities. They risk their lives every day to serve law-abiding citizens. I would have agreed with this person if I had not observed endless police mishandling of power in the United States. You would be a fool if you thought the respect between the average citizen and the police was mutual. They want you to respect them, while they use justified bigotry to disrespect you, destroy your property, or even kill you. I honestly believe that every cop in America is a potential murderer. The only question for me is who they will shoot next.

A Questionable Judicial System

As someone who dreamed of becoming an American, I do not know who disappointed me more. The judicial system, law enforcement, or the mainstream media? I often tend to group them as one entity because they all lie to their audience with a straight face. Someone else may ask what the police have to do with Meek Mill’s parole violation. Well, I have personally experienced how dishonest they are. Every police officer I encountered in America was, in fact, a bigoted prick. I believe Meek Mill when he says that the arresting cops falsified the initial arrest that led to his current charges. Forget the mythological explanation about many good police officers who outnumber the bad ones.

Any good cops who claims to risk his life serving the community with justice that then covers up for another cop who is a murderer or dishonest policeman

When it comes to prison or death, a liar is a liar, and a murderer is a murderer. A competent policeman or policewoman can claim that he or she risks their life serving the community. But if they are entirely dishonest when one of their colleagues commits a crime like murder or perjury, then they are all corrupt. Ask the police what is the meaning of an “accessory to murder?” They will tell you that it is when someone discovers a crime someone else has committed and then assists the criminal in hiding it. That is the meaning of this law. So then, if the police and the court system are not corrupt, how can a cop claim to be good and then commit perjury to protect another cop who has murdered an innocent person?

Justified Bigotry

We’re talking about lives. We’re talking about people’s financial future or their hopes and aspirations. How can a court system stand on high moral ground and then excuse a police officer for brutality or murder? According to Meek Mill, the policemen who arrested him later committed perjury when they lied that he pointed a gun at them. Name one person who lives in America that will believe that. Every American knows that the police are way too trigger-happy. They have murdered thousands of unarmed CITIZENS within the last decade. In America, the cops slay women and children and then commit perjury.

Do the quick research; you will establish that I’m not exaggerating. As disturbing as this blog may seem, your study will prove my point. The American police are dishonest, and the courts allow them to continue that way. I remember attending driving school in New Jersey when the coach warned me to pull over immediately when I saw the police flashing their lights behind me. I asked myself why he would remind me like that instead of just informing me. It sounded like he thought I was planning to commit a crime. I was new in the country at the time. I considered the police and the court system in high esteem.

Then I bought my first car, and you could not imagine my excitement. One day, I was driving my car on the main road, going about my business, enjoying my day, and there it was, as sure as the sunshine, a police car was behind me with its lights on full blast. At that moment, I thought, what did I do? I had buckled my seat belt, was driving the speed limit, and had not varied from my lane. Twenty minutes after I pulled over, the policeman asked me for my license and registration. When I gave it to him, he told a bald-faced lie that I was speeding and wrote me a ticket. I disputed, but he told me to go to court.

Judges & Police Murofficers

That offense is nothing compared to Meek Mill’s charge. If you notice, the police interaction ranges from bogus traffic citations to cold-blooded murder. Another instance was when another policeman pulled me over when I didn’t have my insurance and registration cards in the car. I took my car to the car wash that afternoon and forgot to put the insurance and registration cards back in the glove compartment. Of course, while driving through a predominantly Caucasian part of town that night, this cop pulled me over. He lied that I was speeding and gave me three tickets when I could not produce my insurance and registration cards, Failure to show proof of insurance and proof of registration, and speeding. That was the second speeding ticket that I received without speeding. I decided to fight those tickets.

After dicking me around for months, the court gave me a date. I took time off work and showed up with my proof of insurance and registration, but the judge could not be bothered. He gave the cop the benefit of the doubt without hearing my side. Then he ordered me to plead with the police so he could withdraw his initial citation. What?! I’d get three points on my brand-new driver’s license if not.

That was that? Being new to the country, I refused. Months later, they suspended my driver’s license, which affected my ability to get to work and college during that 1998 New Jersey winter. Another time, cops pulled me over at gunpoint and ordered me to lie or sit on the ground. And this was over another bogus traffic violation they claimed I had committed. So as you can see, from my personal experience and that of others like Amadou Diallo, whom the police murdered in New York that same year. Meek Mill is right about using his platform to call for reform in the justice system.

Other Police Heartbreaks

Let me be the first to say that I’m not comparing myself to Meek Mill. He is a far more accomplished artist. He has way more experience in the streets of America than I do, and my encounters with the police and the court system are no match for his. The only reason why I shared my experiences is to demonstrate why I believe him. The police are a menace to American society, and everybody knows that. Hundreds of thousands of people face these same problems in each state.

Meek’s story is about how the police lied that he pointed a gun at them. Then the court system accepted that lie and put him on probation. Being on probation now, whenever he comes in contact with the police, the court cites him for violating his parole. When they do, they throw him in prison. He’s a law-abiding citizen, a businessman, and a philanthropist. He has not been caught committing a crime, so why should they send him to prison just because he came in contact with the police?*

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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