Freddy Will's Notebook GOSSIP My 2012 Blog about the God Particle “Higgs Boson”

My 2012 Blog about the God Particle “Higgs Boson”

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At the time, in 2012, when I wrote this, I was wondering if the earth is supposed to be a flat surface that God encased in an impenetrable dome, then the “Higgs boson” has to be the openings in the crown. Like, is that not where we get rain? On another note, if those openings have shutters, that will be freaky as fuck tho. Don’t worry; I won’t try deboning your round earth orbiting around the sun theory. When I’m at your schools or places of work, I will always feed you your round-earth bullshit and wipe the drool off your mouths. I’m a team player who will do what his teams require.

Okay, if you follow any Abrahamic faiths, be it Judaism, Islam, or Christianity, you should consider that the earth is flat. The HOLY Torah, Koran, and Bible explicitly say that the planet is flat and encased in a dome-like structure. According to the scriptures, there is water above and below the earth. Scriptures say, “God separated the water above from the water below.” That means the universe (as NASA explains it) is full of water. The flat earth theory implies that all humans cannot leave this earth, and the sun and moon are light sources orbiting over the planet’s surface.


Noah’s Ark

Have you tried comparing the Noah’s Ark story to both scenarios to determine which makes sense? Which idea would make more sense if God would flood the earth to kill everyone except Noah and those on his boat? Would he attack the surface of a round globe or the flat earth encased in a dome? It would also make sense why the people of olden times would pray for rain, right? That means Mars, Venus, Jupiter, and all the other solar system planets are hovering over the earth.

However, if the flat earth theory is correct, how far is the distance between the earth’s surface and the dome that encases it? Well, if you consider that the Noah’s Ark legend is possibly a myth, then why would the people of olden times decide to build the Tower of Babel with the intent to make it so tall that it reached God if they didn’t think the earth was flat and God resides beyond the sky or dome? Better yet, why do we kneeland look up when we pray or worship?*

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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