It’s crucial to take a moment to consider some interesting facts about humanity. God, the originator and sustainer of the Multiverse, the Heavens, the Earth, humanity, the ‘Father’ of creation, and the matrimonial partner of Asherah. He is called Yahweh, Jehovah in the Hebrew Bible, Allah in the Qur’an, and Brahman in the Vedas. Every Being that existed after the creation of the Universe and the Multiverse itself was brought into existence by Yahweh/Jehovah/Allah’s will. It is accurate to state that nearly all conscious beings are, in some way, “offspring” of God. His most exceptional trait is His immortality.
Hip Hop Kru Zade: Path Beyond Clichés
Try to uncover the truth before forming misconceptions about people based on prejudice, ignorance, or cliches. What constitutes Hip Hop Culture? Hiphop is a refined way of living. What influences its expression, language, style, cuisine, and entrepreneurial drive?
The Dark Road from Romarong (Definitive Edition)
How did the region of West Africa called Romarong become what we know as Freetown,…
My Book of Chrymes (Definitive Edition)
This is the musical journey of Freddy Will, a Sierra Leonean-American author in Europe. The story begins with his birth in Freetown, Sierra Leone, and his upbringing in Monrovia and Kakata, Liberia, where his interest in the performing arts peaked at a tender age.
Freddy Will Cyberstalker Alert!
Ladies and gentlemen, listen closely! Badson Publishing has a cyberstalker to bring to your attention!…
Is Ye a Conscious Rapper?
Picture an independent musician in Germany with an enchanting and groundbreaking song. It is a powerful and captivating song that simulates the mind, emotions, sight, and hearing senses. Almost everyone swoons to this song! This creates numerous opportunities for many other related professionals to thrive. Let’s assume that this one song has been bought by 5% of the German population, a staggering 4,150,000 people, each paying five euros. That is a whopping 20,750,000 euros for the artist.
What Does Sierra Leone, Palestine & Russia Have in Common?
I’m not politically minded, but I’m writing a new book series called “Quandaries of a Conqueror.” It focuses on global geopolitics. I discuss Africa’s role in the future of climate change. It seems very simple when you delve into this topic. Once you start researching, you find yourself down a hellish rabbit hole.
Rebecca’s Womb & the Rivers of Babylon
Here’s a question that my Sunday school teacher couldn’t answer. Why did God promise the Israelites this particular land? Of all the uninhabited spots on the planet at that time, why would an all-knowing God promise His chosen people a piece of land that other people already inhabited? That’s why I never became a preacher like my parents. Based on my humanitarian outlook, I couldn’t logically justify the teachings.
Quandaries of a Conqueror: The Hate for Drake’s Elohim Package
If you’re arrogant enough to believe that you deserve as much as everyone else, you’ll become jealous when certain people achieve far more than you. Maybe it’s my Afropolitan background, but I often attended Rod Stewart’s Atlantic City concerts. Yep. New Jersey is my home state. One of my favorite songs is “Some Guys Have All The Luck.” That song!
Freddy Will – Natural Light
Come on, Get up! All we need is the natural light!
Come on, Get up! All we need is the natural light!
Come on, Get up! All we need is the natural light!
It’s up to you and me to light it up / lift us up!
A Few Reasons Nightclub Culture is Dying 4
Observe that almost every hypothesis has been fully exploited. For example, when a musician shares music online, WOKE employees at those platforms anticipate how that artist expects the public to respond. The vengeful losers consciously distort the quality of that artist’s product to try and undermine the positive narrative surrounding that artist. It’s the same with nightlife in popular nightclubs.
A Few Reasons Nightclub Culture is Dying 3
This observation will likely cross some minds as I may not know how best to communicate it. However, I will try to paint this picture with as small a brush as possible by answering this question. Why do men go to nightclubs? Well, for starters, men built and designed nightclubs. Since men established the nightlife culture, men initially went there for business. If he doesn’t own the facility, he runs it. He could also be security. No? Do you disagree?
A Few Reasons Nightclub Culture is Dying 2
Men love nothing more than their female counterparts in humanity. Everyone is fully aware of this! We’re overly obsessed with women. Their looks, their smell, the tone of her voice, the feminine movements of her body, and everything that goes with it. Essentially, men are so obsessed with women that many women can enter most nightclubs for free. Women can even get drunk, high, and experience mind-blowing orgasms without sweat.
A Few Reasons Nightclub Culture is Dying
OK, ladies and gentlemen. In this discussion, let’s articulate today’s nightclub culture. The nightclub could be exciting for some of us with niche appeals. Interestingly, it’s also one of our top work-related places. It can be a great business. Of course, we enjoy a lovely evening out now and then, but let’s combine the party space with the workspace in this context. To update some readers on my background, I work under the job title of International Impresario.
Six Chads That’ll Sex Her On The Scene Tonight 2
He moves similarly to the conventional patriarch, but he’s not. A patriarch? You ask. Yes. Feminists tend to forget about patriarchy when he speaks. His deep voice enthusiastically supports her impulsive decision to cut off her friends. They keep pointing out his red flags! His fit, toned physique, good hair, and clear skin pull heartstrings. After two weeks of passionate romance…