Freddy Will's Notebook POLITICS The Enduring Effort to Instill Fear in Your Psyche

The Enduring Effort to Instill Fear in Your Psyche

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The current protests against police brutality are at a stalemate. It’s the notion of who the law commands to yield to whom. The police are a force. Unlike the military’s capacity to establish international raids, police assaults happen nationally. The authorities expect the members of the public to submit. Or else they will force you to comply with their command—the police answer to their chief, judge, mayor, or governor.

Our officials work closely with legislators. They have the National Guard backing them. They have the best policies to subdue the public. They will even use deadly force if they deem it necessary. This is the force we protest against. However, the police can justify their acts of injustice because a murderer in their ranks who has killed an innocent civilian can also be the hero who confronts a group of “terrorists.”

Unlike the military’s capacity to establish international attacks, police assaults are national or local attacks.”

The Police Have Orders to Kill If Deemed Necessary

How can you explain this to a brainwashed person? To someone who does not see that hero as a murderer. What this means is the police follow orders. There are endless cases where police use lethal force on an unarmed black man. It is easy to see that they have trained these murderous police officers. They have tutored and instructed them to use deadly force. They can kill anyone who does not comply with their command.

The unwritten idea is to instill the fear of death in the subconscious minds of the public. I’m saying we should direct all police brutality-related protests to police unions. We should address the mayor and the governor. Or the district attorney, members of parliament or congress, local representatives, and so on. These people write the laws and enforce them by giving orders. They are the murderers we protest.

Many countries are already in a police state. Americans seem to be the only ones unaware that we (Americans) are also in a police state. The constitution is a mural. Rights like freedom of speech or expression, freedom to bear arms, and the pursuit of happiness are all regulated. US rhetoric of justice and liberty is hot air. All crimes of humanity have nothing to do with justice or freedom. Consider slavery, the destruction of the Aborigines, and the invasion of foreign countries.

Taxpayers Foot the Bill for All Equipment

For this reason, even after repeated calls to end police brutality, these types of killings are still happening. It cannot stop because it’s stagnation. The public clings to a well-written constitution, but the police have orders to kill. Many officials no longer adhere to the law like that anymore. It is dumb to riot against the police, destroy public property, or protest in places unrelated to the authorities. You want to address the people who give the police their orders.

US rhetoric of justice and freedom is basically hot air when you consider slavery, the annihilation of the Aborigines…

When a policeman or a woman murders while following the orders of their superior, the taxpayer funds the consequence. That could be a financial settlement, repair, or replacement of equipment. That could be new police cars. Or renovation of the vandalized public property. Or maybe the payment for new gadgets. When we destroy public property in riots, you and I foot the bill as taxpayers. Public property belongs to you. Although the authorities may use them against us, we sink into deeper debt if we destroy them. We are in a police state. Therefore we must change the focus of our protests. We should redirect the energy from those who follow orders and turn our attention to those who give them.*

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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