What part of the hood did Terry Crews come from? In my hood, solid and muscular men don’t come out crying about someone who grabbed them by the penis. He’s supposed to be the bully, not the bullied. We beat that predator’s face in. He will never prey on another victim again. It should have been in the headlines, “Terry Crews Bashed Hollywood Executive’s Skull for Grabbing his Penis.” And he said that man got him in front of his wife. I’m not going to lie; when I heard Terry Crews speak on his “sexual assault,” I lost respect for him. I can’t even watch another Terry Crews movie anymore.

It’s not to make fun of him as a victim of sexual assault, but the fact that he has all those muscles and a masculine figure yet appears too weak to knock that man’s teeth out. I could see if it was Kevin Hart saying that or a brother who came from prison. But this is a free and non-disabled man at a party. He could have reacted a bit differently, is all I’m saying. And we all would have supported him if he got blackballed.*