Freddy Will's Notebook ROMANCE What Your Eye Color Says About You Pt. 1

What Your Eye Color Says About You Pt. 1

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Even blind people cannot control the emotion in their eyes.”

If the eyes are indeed the windows of the soul, then you should be able to detect someone’s innermost feelings, emotions or mood if you look them deep in the eyes. If you really see in the eye, you should be able to tell if they are genuine, content, upset or envious. Even blind people cannot control the emotion in their eyes. If you talk to women, if they want to admit it, they will tell you that apart from body language, the eye is one of the fundamental ways they can access your intuitive truth. When you lie to a woman, she can often tell because she does not listen to your words, she feels the truth in your eyes and reads through your body language.


Do you know someone who has blue eyes for a moment and then the next it’s hazel and then gray another time?”

How do you think your mother knew? You tried to be sneaky, but she knew each time. Yes, she cut you some slack when you thought you got away with that stealthy mischief, but don’t believe for once that she didn’t know. The truth is in the eyes. Oh, your girlfriend is terrific? She knows you too well? Guess what? Your eyes have given her a window into your soul. Your body language speaks volumes.

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Yes, she cut you some slack when you thought you got away with that stealthy mischief, but don’t think for once that she didn’t know.”

When I say eye, I mean how your pupils dilate, your eyelid flex or how you move your eyebrows. You’d be surprised how your eyes send emotions to your forehead. And then how those emotions change the expression on your face. Often your emotional signals dilate your pupils or change the color of your eyes. Do you know someone who has blue eyes for a moment and then the next its hazel and then gray another time? This is an indication of their shift in emotion. In a more general term, let’s see what Lovelist has said about the color of your eyes and what it says about you.


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Nope, I’m not referring to the black eye on extraterrestrial beings. Nor is it the one you get from a slap. This is the first type Lovelist described in their article. I’ve met very few people with black eyes. To me, they are one of the most beautiful and mysterious. I personally have difficulty reading this type because it’s not easy to see through. Once, I saw a girl at the mall who had perfect black eyes. I was so intrigued I gave her a hundred bucks so she’d look towards the light so I could see the detail in her iris. Most of the black eyes I’ve seen have a brownish hue in them. This girl’s iris were dark gray. It was mind-blowing! Here is what Lovelist had to say.

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They sometimes mistrust people and are reluctant to start friendships and to fall in love. But when they do begin a relation, they are loyal till the very end.”

“One of the most surprising things about the black colored pair of eyes is that pure black eyes are very rare. What we see and call as black eyes are in actuality just very dark brown eyes. The dark brown or black, as we may call it for own usage is often associated with night, mystery and intuition. People with black eyes are said to be very trustworthy and responsible.

They are secretive but will never let your secrets out to anyone. They sometimes mistrust people and are reluctant to start friendships and to fall in love. But when they do begin a relation, they are loyal till the very end. They are incredibly hardworking and practical and will always give their best shot at whatever it is that they are doing. Some say they are spiritual, passionate and optimists. They always know how to show their worth to others”.


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The next type of eye color described by Lovelist is brown. They can be majestic with various shades. Let’s agree that all pupils are black and preferably, it is the iris that varies in color. Since this blog is not about the anatomy of the eye, let’s focus on emotions and personality conveyed in facial expressions, I may generalize the pupil and the iris as one. With brown eyes, you find that there are dark brown, honey brown, caramel brown, burgundy brown and hazel brown. 

Each brown is probably the most beautiful due to its color. I’m not saying this because when glowing in light my eyes are somewhat honeyish in color. I have noticed that people with brown eyes are among the most attractive, unusually when the pupils are not dilated. Like the black iris, this eye is not so easy to read yet not too challenging to misread. Here is what Lovelist said.

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Let’s agree that all pupils are black and rather, it is the iris that vary in color.”

“The most common eye color in the world is brown. When we say brown, we talk about a light to medium brown and not very dark brown. People with brown eyes are attractive and confident. It is an intense and vibrant color, and it is associated with earth, and thus, things like simplicity, creativity, and positivism are some things that you can always find in people who have such brown eyes. They are independent, polite, caring and love making new friends and they are still up for trying new things in life.

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Even though they are self-confident and determined, sometimes, they can have a hard time trying to express themselves to people.”

They are also practical, but when it comes to the people they care about, practicality tends to take a back-seat as love and care overtake it. They are usually the happy-go-lucky people who don’t care much for earthly possessions and are close to all things nature. Even though they are self-confident and determined, sometimes, they can have a hard time trying to express themselves to people. Great lovers and mighty trust-worthy, these people are the ones who you can go to for any help, and they will go out of their way to make sure you are happy and satisfied.”


Photo Credit: David Lazar

The most noticeable color is the hazel colored eyes. Especially, with fair-skinned complexion. Previous generations know it as the “cat eye.” They can read and influence others quite easily since a gaze into this set of eyes subconsciously fascinates one to briefly ignore the eye language. People with a light complexion who have hazel eyes have an intriguing look to them. Their eyes stand out. Since this iris is much pleasing to any gaze, someone with quick instincts could pick up on changes in their pupils and easily discern a difference in their mood.

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On the flip side, though, being mesmerized by this hazel honeyed eye can blind one from noticing their most plausible conning. Like brown eyes, hazel eyes vary in shades. I find that their variation of colors ranges from light brown to caramel, olive green. Sometimes with a slight touch of gray. People with bright hazel eyes make great detectives or investigators because when in route, their eyes will spellbind whoever they encounter. Here is what Lovelist said about the hazel.

They can read and influence others quite easily since a gaze into this set of eyes subconsciously fascinates one to briefly ignore the eye language.”

“Hazel is a beautiful mixture of brown and green and this eye color looks breath-taking. The first world associated with hazel eyes is elegance. They are very spontaneous, fun-loving and always up for an adventure at the point in time. Going with the flow and adapting quickly to any situation is definitely their forte. They are brave and courageous people who encourage diversity, and monotony tends to bore them very quickly. They love to try new things.

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Beauty often attracts many people. To those with hazel eyes, the legend remains true. But the relationships of a hazel eyed person may not last very long unless you are the one for them. Mischievous and sensual in equal measure, they make for great personalities. One thing that you need to be aware of is their temper. If you can handle that, then you are in for a joy-ride.” *

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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