Freddy Will's Notebook INSPIRATION Happily Ever After Leaving the Fissured Manosphere

Happily Ever After Leaving the Fissured Manosphere

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A lot of people in the manosphere don’t like Hafeez. That’s because he’s an African who falls into that Afropolititan category—too African to be Western but too Western to be African. That’s the other kind of racism that is within racism. It doesn’t matter where you land. You won’t make a big splash. The manosphere is part of the Matrix. It is the male version of radical feminism, which aims, among other things, to keep certain traditional families from forming. Not every content creator in the manosphere belongs to the Matrix—Andrew Tate or Kevin Samuels. But the manosphere is from the Matrix.

You’ll land in Hafeez’s predicament.

It promotes spiteful opinions, selfishness, misogyny, and materialism as substitutes for romantic relationships, leading to genetic suicide. Most straight Africans are conservative at heart. They may think they are Democrats but have religious and conservative values. What does that mean? Many African men are repulsive to any form of genetic suicide. Eventually, their stats will collide with those of feminism or the manosphere. The idea is not to turn against women and exclude any chance of marriage. The idea is to teach straight men and women to be better partners so they can get married and start a family.

Wrong? You are using the statistics of most women ending relationships to bring awareness for women to stay in their relationships. You don’t talk about the rise in the divorce rate or the unfairness of the family court to persuade men to boycott relationships. It’s the opposite. When you disagree with extreme generalizations in the manosphere or feminism, you’ll land in Hafeez’s predicament. I’m not suggesting that there may not be internal strife among the Roommates. I’m giving to my impression of Hafeez’s position with my outside perspective. The straight African male is in the sphere to resolve a crisis.

However, some things could be improved in the relationship crusade. Misandry and radical feminism aren’t your only challenges. Your business partners in the manosphere may disagree if they believe men should abandon romantic relationships entirely. Women might accuse you as one of the misogynists who tells all men that every single-mother deserves a destiny of loneliness. Or worse, many young men may not want to learn what you teach. They may still prefer to chase women as simps. If you’re in Hafeez’s position, you will have a landslide. The question is: is it all worth your time and energy?

Misandry and radical feminism aren’t your only challenges.

My next point is that the manosphere is highly fissured. Yes, there are a few fraternity-like groups here and there, but for the most part, everyone is on their own. There needs to be more loyalty. Everyone is taking shots at each other. Most of these manosphere-related YouTube content creators are also there for YouTube royalties. The formula is simple: start a channel, claim to be down with the manosphere, blame women for every relationship problem, bastardize single mothers and simps, pretend to be a high-value man, and hope to get hundreds of thousands of views, likes, comments, and subscribers.

If the business is slow, offer a Patreon subscription, some overpriced master classes, or set up a podcast. The whole manosphere content-creating community is saturated with culture vultures. My next point is the most important. In this manosphere, your relationship goal or truth-telling doesn’t matter. Everything you learn or you know is for yourself. These are your lessons to navigate your life. You cannot save everyone, and misandry is deeply rooted everywhere. We live in a modern civilization. Anything related to business, education, technology, economics, healthcare, energy, politics, media, etc., is systemic.

If you know about systems, you know it’s about something other than the hand you’re dealing with. The system will shut down and restart if it gets a bad deal. If Facebook suddenly got a bad hand and started losing, it would shut down all two billion of its customers and restart the system until they not only move the goalpost but figure out the best way to reposition it so they can keep the upper hand. Oh yeah, make no mistake. The system will walk off with the ball. This is how every system works. For them, there is no losing the game. For the rest of us, that means everyone is there for their self-interest.

If you are a Manospheric Alpha Male, you can teach as many people as possible, but only a limited amount can be taught. After that, you will reach a point where you must sit down. Please refill your knowledge base. Therefore, at some point, you should hold on to the few resources you’ve gathered, collect your queen, and disappear. Travel the world, eat well, lay in vineyards, and make new friends. When you know how the Matrix works, you use that information for your survival at the end of the day. After a certain point, every new lesson you teach will be a repeat, and misandry turns to you.

Remember: every good fairy tale ends with happily ever after. Get a lovely home and car and build your oasis. Couple up, start a family, and build your legacy. Many new problems will be related to family, career, and health in your happy life. There’s no need to be a hero when heroes die terribly. Everyone loves to speak about Jesus Christ but remember how he died. Collegues poisoned Alexander the Great, and Ceaser was brutally murdered inside the Roman senate. The Congolese betrayed Patrice Lumumba, and the Libyans murdered Muammar al-Gaddafi. No matter how just your cause, the longer you hang around, the more vulnerable you become, not to mention the precious time you waste.*

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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