I will begin this article by stating that there is nothing shameful or embarrassing about a man seeking a woman out and intending to hook up with her. No man should feel uncomfortable about his honest desire to sleep with an unmarried woman. The question is, does that woman feel the same way about the man? She might or might not be interested in sexual congress with him. In that case, he should back off and move on without humiliation or guilt. She could be married, in a committed relationship, or a lesbian. He could be hideous. This woman could experience a life where dozens of men have deceived her repeatedly. She may be only seeking a career, or she may have cultural and religious beliefs. The Oprah Winfrey and Gayle Kings of the feminist press should recognize that consensual sex is a practical reality.
We live in a world where persistence is the key to success.”
Adult men are free to have sexual desires. A single, separated or divorced heterosexual male has a right to want consensual sex with women he is attracted to. I think affirming that I’m not here to sex-shame anyone is necessary. But, in the proven case of sexual assault, pedophilia, or rape, Oprah Winfrey and Gayle King should report all the facts. Men are natural pursuers of sex. That’s why we’ll always be the ones to approach a beautiful woman. We can ask a gorgeous colleague to come to our apartment after work. A rich man could hire a prostitute to have sex with him. It is perfectly legal and socially tolerable for men to offer something in exchange for romance with a pretty woman. Isn’t that how most relationships work?
Society does not burden women with pursuing the opposite gender for sex. The man proposes, and the woman gets to say yes, or no. If she says yes, everything is perfect and exciting. Suppose she says no, then boo! No means no. Stop means stop. Go means leave. Then again, we live in a world where persistence is the key to success. How far can a man go before he crosses the line? These are some of the reasons why dating is always tricky for men. The call itself may not be disrespectful. The woman may have grown tired of more than a few men bidding her in such a manner. Her contempt for that type of approach is what makes it wrong. That is because we respect both opinions. So, where do men cross the line?

Merriam-Webster defines rape as an “unlawful sexual activity, and usually, sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against a person’s will or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent because of mental illness, mental deficiency, intoxication, unconsciousness, or deception.” Womenshealth.gov defines sexual assault as “any sexual activity or contact that you do not consent to. Sexual assault can happen through physical force or threats of force or if the attacker gave the victim drugs or alcohol as part of the assault. Sexual assault includes rape and sexual coercion.” We are talking about situations when the man forces his agenda. The question is, what if there is no power?
Social media activists, YouTubers, and Bloggers have criticized the modern feminist agenda of the press, the MeToo, and Time’s Up movements. That’s because they dishonor masculinity, ridicule the nuclear family, and…”
We live in a time when new campaigns have emerged with unique determinations. The MeToo and Time’sUp movements have served as whistleblowers on sexual assault, pedophilia, and date rape. Psychology Today describes pedophilia as “an ongoing sexual attraction to pre-pubertal children. It is considered paraphilia, a condition in which a person’s sexual arousal and gratification depend on fantasizing about and engaging in sexual behavior that is atypical and extreme. Pedophilia is recurrent and intense sexually arousing fantasies, sexual urges, or behaviors involving sexual activity with a prepubescent child or children—generally age 13 years or younger—over at least six months.” We live in a crazy world.
Radical feminism mutated into sex bashing. YouTubers smeared the term feminism and turned it into a negative connotation. Bloggers (like me) have questioned whether feminism has captured the female sex (as a whole) when there are women who do not identify as feminists. Social media activists, YouTubers, and Bloggers have criticized the modern feminist agenda of the press, the MeToo, and Time’s Up movements. That’s because they dishonor masculinity, ridicule the nuclear family, and show double standards in gender equality. When people began to shun those who identify as a feminist, they changed their name. In their rebranded identity, they set their sights upon celebrity heroes.

I do not condone rape or assault. The narrative on the streets is that the MeToo movement implemented a “Cancel Culture” through social media and the court of the public’s opinion. The play is direct; they’d research famous men who have made catcalls. Maybe he asked a colleague on a date or slept with many unhappy women. Then they accuse him of the definition of assault. He used his wealth, fame, and power (or as opportunity gatekeepers) to get sex. He’s a 21st Century monster. It is even more peculiar since these movements dwell on the sex-shaming of men. They gratify all accusations before the victim has their day in court. It is almost similar to how the black community reacted to George Zimmerman. Or the Grand Jury after it did not indict a police officer who murdered an unarmed black person.
If you understand, this current wave of feminism seems to be focused on sexual allegations. Bolstered via dozens of feminist journalists, the MeToo and Time’s Up movements became the new consciousness. The only intricacy is whenever they choose a new mark to “Cancel,” it seems that a target is always a black man. If you are a celebrity, many women can accuse you of sexual assault or rape. Without having your day in court, the feminist press and MeToo or Time’s Up movements engage social media to tarnish the credibility of the person whom the women have accused without evidence. Many people fear questioning the accusers because of the MeToo movement and feminist journalists charging investigators of blaming or shaming the accuser. The new rule is to believe every accuser, even if they have no evidence.
Please give them the benefit of the doubt so they can ruin the reputation, marriage, and career of the men they have targeted. We get it; rape is a serious crime. Sexual harassment and assault are grave crimes. These crimes are so severe that if you are a successful man and someone accuses you of them, you automatically lose everything – forever. Droves of women have claimed that men have sex problems. Many identify any female accuser as a victim. The feminist media attacked Michael Jackson, Bill Cosby, O.J. Simpson, Russel Simmons, R. Kelly, and Kobe Bryant. There was no evidence against Bill Cosby, Michael Jackson was acquitted, and the courts dropped the case against Kobe Bryant. Still, the feminist journalist, MeToo, and Time’s Up movements persist that these men are criminals. Are there any Caucasian celebrities with similar accusations? We have six prominent ones on the chopping block.*