Freddy Will's Notebook ROMANCE The Gradual Assassination of Traditional Masculinity

The Gradual Assassination of Traditional Masculinity

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So far, I’ve managed to endure this ongoing assault on masculinity. To clarify, I’m referring to the calculated erosion of Western masculinity led by radical feminists. Operating from hidden networks, these people possess high levels of education, strong determination, and impressive resourcefulness. While their funding sources are largely unknown, their tactical strikes against societal constructs are threatening. This attack resembles a storm, representing a frantic effort to dismantle all aspects of maleness across society – in workplaces, schools, universities, or even places of worship. The radical feminists have undermined heterosexual men’s reputations and livelihoods by violating privacy and defamation laws.

Initially, I freed myself from the limitations of conventional jobs. No employer, creditor, or authority could exert influence over me. Then, I found comfort and empowerment in my Eastern Orthodox Catholic faith. I upheld polite and respectful conduct – exemplary manners, deference, and chivalry. This is even in the presence of dick-shaming and other psychological abuse. I engaged in traditionally masculine gestures of generosity and protection, upholding the values of God, family, and country. I hope for an eventual reprieve, yet the societal damage caused by these radical feminists is profound. They have distorted the outlook of numerous young women, depriving good men of valuable partner capabilities.

The smile I provide isn’t a facade but a defiance against the underlying anger that threatens to engulf our society. I adopted a carefree attitude toward accusations of being rude, privileged, and misogynistic (because they are false). That is how I took the stance that women’s rights differ from feminism. I recognized the need to dismantle the illusion of Darwinism and secularism. Radical feminists employ propaganda reminiscent of the Nazis, capable of eroding even the strongest beliefs. Their tactics are surreptitious yet aggressive and poisonous. When challenged, they quickly transform from aggressors to victims, identifying and eliminating the most masculine, influential, and intelligent men from prominence.

They have infiltrated the entire system, so the only way to fight them is to detach from it. Then, you can adhere to tradition in your stubborn refusal to adapt. Not all radical feminists are women. Many are men raised by single mothers and educated mostly by feminist teachers. Remember that if they see your ship, they will try to sink it. One must be virtuous while moving boldly. No one can explain why radical feminists love loneliness so much. To counteract it, I engaged in behaviors that directly contradict their principles. I compliment beauty, say hello to random women, and avoid situations that could be turned into sexual accusations. Women now must do the heavy lifting when it comes to dating me.

As a reminder to those who may not know, I’m not against feminism. In fact, I adore progressive feminists. Radical feminism is the anthill. I don’t allow myself to be drawn into online forums where they lash out anonymously at the very women they claim to protect. Their words are vicious and cruel, contrasting with the courteous citizens they present to the world. I justify my resistance (to radical feminism) as a necessary counter-offensive, a clandestine war waged in the digital shadows and physical spaces. But the bitter taste of betrayal lingers. It is a constant reminder of our failure to protect our society from people who would dare to undermine our way of life. My hope for an eventual respite is fading, but we must fight back.

You will know them when you see them. They are always angry. Constantly attacking heterosexual men. They have a problem with culture. As I’ve said, they break privacy and defamation laws using Nazi-grade propaganda strategy. Sue! The harm inflicted by these radical feminists is profound. We must become aware of their tactics… They’ve warped the perspectives of countless young women, denying good men potential partners of value and capability. We must warp our souls, sacrificing our lives at the altar of a cultural restoration. The quiet desperation that settles in their heart is far more devastating than any public humiliation. We can win this war, and in doing so, regain control of our communities.

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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