Rappers should consider that everybody knows the game in today’s Hip Hop climate. It’s not like back when we were the dopest ones. Right? If you could deejay, rap, or sing while the others couldn’t, they admired your talent. You became that inspiration for the rest. Back when some people were too young or broke to experience the classic moments, be they the hottest albums
Author: Wilfred Kanu Jr.
International Migration Rarely Enhances One’s Caste Status
I’ve been planning a second series of books since moving from blogging to simply posting in my online notebook. This time, I want to try my hand at geopolitics. The scary realization I’ve been reluctant to admit publicly is that when I get to the heart of most social and political affinities, I’ve always found that sex, resources, or both are the primary motivators behind any determination.
Happily Ever After Leaving the Fissured Manosphere
A lot of people in the manosphere don’t like Hafeez. That’s because he’s an African…
Lyrically Speaking, Every Rapper is a Serial Killer
You have fewer opportunities to assert yourself in society when you’re black. From the 1990s to now, judging by the lyrics (Twitter posts), all rappers are serial killers. Unfortunately for this new generation, bodies are falling left and right. There is a lot of speculation.
Africans Suspect Lady Justice Peaks Under Her Blindfold
One of my most surprising realizations is that I didn’t know the West (USA, EU, Canada, and Australia) was obsessed with sex. I’m talking about the importance of sexual orientation. I’d assumed sex was a private matter. As long as you are consenting adults, you can do what you want behind closed doors.
Adding Straight people to the LGBTQIA+ to Create a SLGBTQIA+ Community
Should they add straight to the LGBTQIA+ Community? That’s it. Why are straight people not a part of the LGBTQIA+ Community? In modern secular societies, one finds that one wants to belong to a section within the community of sexual orientations. Maybe you want to interact sexually with members of other areas who don’t want to interact with you.
How Black People Flunked Marcus Garvey Jr.
Because of disappointment, I still needed to write an in-depth reaction to Marcus Garvey’s story. My dissatisfaction is not with Garvey but with the black community globally. How am I supposed to be my people’s next civil rights activist when my people have already shunned all the most brilliant leaders of the past?
Tunisians Protest Against Dictator who Plumits Nation into Bigotry
Concerning the ongoing issue of racism, we have another groundbreaking story. Well, there is a saying that no condition is permanent. So I guess I shouldn’t call racism an ongoing issue. For one thing, the Egyptians ruled 33 pharaonic dynasties. Second, the Moors ruled Spain for almost 800 years. However, the Trans-Saharan slave trade lasted approximately 2000 years or more.
The Death of Socrates in a Global Totalitarian Biotech Society
The information age has reached an exciting point. Do you happen to know whose information we access? The problem is censorship has always been about who’s accepting the news. In my last article, I wrote about how Chris Rock’s latest stand-up comedy show ignited the topic of selective equality and legal corruption. To further illustrate what I meant, I compared it to the Hindu caste system, which divides people into upper and lower classes.
Chris Rock Ignites Topic of Selective Equality & Legal Corruption
I have constantly written about this selectivity that Chris Rock discussed in his “Selective Outrage” special. Rock focused on the outrage part, while I’ll look at selectivity. While working on my last series of books, I discovered that selectivity is reality. For example, the mainstream media, corporations, government agencies, educational systems, and other sizable establishments openly declare their contempt for misogyny. Yet these same agencies are often silent when it comes to misandry.
That Handsome Godly Man is a Traditional Administrator
Before photographing this next thought, I’d like to submit that I follow the Christian belief system. My account of the man’s role links to 1 Peter 2:7, which says, “To you who believe this stone is precious. But for those who do not believe. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.” I often meditate on this scripture to motivate myself to be that cornerstone, even if repudiated.
The Dangers of Traveling As an African in this Beautiful World I
When you suddenly decide to apply for your passport to travel outside the United States, you’ll have some fascinating experiences wherever you choose to go. Still, you should beware of some pitfalls, even if experienced. Any traveler can get stranded anywhere. Someone could rob you, or you could fall out with people who promised…
5 Types Of Foreign Women American Passport Bros Encounter
I still have some mansplaining. Many believe traveling abroad to find, date, or marry a traditional woman is black and white. But it’s not. Dating and sex cultures are very different outside of western countries. For one, their ethical tolerances are not the same. Bear in mind that the context of this article focuses only on the subject of courtship and marriage to create a traditional nuclear family.
Ingólfr Arnarson, traditional Icelandic cuisine, & Iceland Culture
Almost everyone has been talking about Iceland lately. For one reason or another, whoever is in charge of their public relations wants more people to know about their feminist country. Maybe it’s to boost their tourism? So, I decided to explore this reserved island in the Arctic that doesn’t even need a standing army. Yet, they’ve managed to sit in one of the top five spots on the United Nations Human Development Index for what seems like forever.
Backstabbers Shaming Artists Promoting their Work
Let me mansplain a bit. You write, compose, produce, promote, and distribute your work as an independent artist. In doing that, many backstabbers will interpret it as “showing off” or “little dick energy.” Critics will persuade the public to judge the message or the image you represent.