Freddy Will's Notebook ROMANCE That Handsome Godly Man is a Traditional Administrator

That Handsome Godly Man is a Traditional Administrator

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Before photographing this next thought, I’d like to submit that I follow the Christian belief system. My account of the man’s role links to 1 Peter 2:7, which says, “To you who believe this stone is precious. But for those who do not believe. The stone rejected by the builders has become the cornerstone.” I often meditate on this scripture to motivate myself to be that cornerstone, even if repudiated. Yes, I am traditional through and through. Look at 1 Peter 3:7, where he said, “Husbands, be considerate as well, when you live with your wives, and treat them with respect as the weaker partner and heirs with you of the gracious gift of life, lest nothing hinder your prayers.” These are elements of my portrayal of my family structure. Nevertheless, I changed my website from a blog to a notebook.

Which gods are they referring to when they ask about a godly person?

Let me clarify that my writings are speculative. I don’t give answers; I ponder information. This one started from watching video clips from a YouTuber who goes by the name of Chisha Zed. A 26-year-old party girl talked about how she wasted her 20s. I switched to YouTuber DAT BOY WILL’s “Now That I’m Self-Aware, I understand Why So Many Guys Dislike Us Now.” The one that sparked this article was another Chisha Zed’s video titled “I’m Looking for a Godly Husband.” In that video, Love & Hip Hop’s Alexis Skyy stated how being godly is one of her new requirements for the men she dates. That got me thinking. What if I said “godly man” means a traditional man? A particular belief system is customary to him. Would that trigger a negative response from you? I thought about that.

First, I considered the connection between religious beliefs and romantic relationships. Then I pondered on whether gods ordain family. When we mention God, we immediately enter the realm of faith. Atheists say there is nothing supernatural in the cosmos. The agnostic said there was something or someone, but they didn’t know what. The Buddhist said no, Buddha is. The Muslim said no, it’s Allah. The Hindu says to listen. We have Brahman in coordination with thousands, if not millions, of other supernatural beings. The Christians said it must be Jehovah. The Jew said Yahweh was there. So when Alexis said she wants a godly partner, we know she’s not atheist or agnostic. If people believe in God, which of the gods are they referring to when they ask about a godly person?

What are the criteria for a great partner? A Jewish damsel who seeks a godly man could not be looking for a Sunni Muslim. That is perfectly okay. Will the Born Again Christian woman agree to marry a devout Buddhist? Better still, do all believers have one criterion in common? My answer is traditionalism. When you turn feminism on its head, Patriarchy stands upright. Of course, the modern patriarch strives to rid himself of misogyny, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia. Still, you must know that God, as in the Almighty, is a Patriarch, especially if you’re from the Christian practice where “our Father” is in heaven with a Kingdom to come. Unless you belong to a religion that worships a female deity (which is fantastic), then this is a fact. Dare I say Matriarchy is akin to Patriarchy?

Ask the seeker to specify what their godly person looks like…

Before you place an order for my crucifixion, please remember that I said Almighty because I know other deities exist. Is Lucifer a Patriarch? I’m unsure, but He can be if you want Him to represent that to you. Whether you practice traditional African religions, witchcraft, or other branches of the occult, most deities you experience may have some patriarchal scheme. There is a father and a mother. Someone had sex or procreation. There is light and darkness. So my argument is that whenever someone asks for a divine partner, they ask for a traditional one. Merriam-Webster says tradition is “an inherited, established, or customary pattern of thought, action, or behavior (such as a religious practice or a social custom).” Your handsome godly crush is a traditional administrator!

Ask the seeker to specify what their godly person looks like anticipating a traditional one to materialize. That’s because most religions are that. Why not just say I’m looking for a conventional partner? Instead of asking for a divine one? Feminism. Relationship seekers’ awareness that feminist speculations contrast with customary attempts to escape backlash by using another word when meaning traditional. At its core, feminism is an atheistic system. Even if the feminist is a believer, she cannot converge feminism without ignoring tradition. When you ignore statutes, you ignore faith, which means you skip God. Additionally, most feminists use racial strategies (slander, financial disenfranchisement, social discrimination, prejudice, etc.) to eliminate those against their convictions.

That means in a feminist world. People cannot proclaim every aspect of their religion. That’s disadvantageous because if some people can’t say what they want, they may never find what they are. Jasmin wants a strong man to marry her and lead their family. It would be great if he were a confident, funny, handsome, hardworking, and wise provider. But… she can’t openly express that she wants a traditional man because it goes against feminism. Ah, I’m probably digressing. Watching these videos triggered all these thoughts as I see a force-fed society trying to avoid what has been force-feeding them. They’ve been robbed of their freedom of speech and choice. And as a result, they haven’t experienced a proper relationship, and somehow they are starting to realize it.

I need this and that because I’ve never had it.

Ladies, you want a man to refrain from sending you good morning texts. Get a man you’d bring a hot cup of coffee to every morning. If he texts you, it means you’re not with him. If you make him coffee, you’re with him. It would be best to be with him instead of hearing from him. He should wake up looking forward to you. Your guy doesn’t bring you flowers. He plants a garden full of all your favorite flowers. He is not godly. He’s traditional. There are no appointments. You live on an eternal date from sunrise to sunset. You live in it. He’s not picking you up. You’re driving his car. I don’t know if I can say this eloquently, but when you set your mindset to traditional, you suddenly become his first-round draft pick. You are recruited before the best. Retune your attitude toward feminism.

I don’t want feminism to go away. I want it tweaked. Just as the modern patriarch strives to rid himself of misogyny, bigotry, racism, and xenophobia, a contemporary feminist shall free herself of misandry, bigotry, racism, and systemic self-sabotage. That’s because most women want a man’s love, while most men want a woman’s respect. You won’t even meet this man. He stirs clear of you unless it’s for a weekend fuckfest out of town. You’ll be the one to say what Alexis said in the video. I need this and that because I’ve never had it. Once you use a particular vocabulary, he knows to rent a room. Any responsible man listening to a woman say something like Alexis’s statement in this video automatically realizes she’s stuck in “side chick mode.” Why am I saying this? Here’s why.

It’s not about how beautiful she looks or how special she wants to be. It’s her vocabulary. Your vocabulary gives context. That context reveals your mentality. Your mentality shows your expectation. The words she uses weigh on her. They can tell the man that she has been cherished before. Why am I recruiting a woman to be the mother and wife of my home if she is not the number one draft pick? A man will humble himself to be available to you, but it’s up to you to receive him properly. Be a great hostess. I’ve often seen a beautiful woman who said she’s never been “good enough” for a man to claim her. I believe the reason is that they don’t prepare to conform. Their mentality is all about what they should receive. They’re egocentric while also having been in meaningless situationships. *

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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