Freddy Will's Notebook POLITICS Africans Suspect Lady Justice Peaks Under Her Blindfold

Africans Suspect Lady Justice Peaks Under Her Blindfold

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One of my most surprising realizations is that I didn’t know the West (USA, EU, Canada, and Australia) was obsessed with sex. I’m talking about the importance of sexual orientation. I’d assumed sex was a private matter. As long as you are consenting adults, you can do what you want behind closed doors. Nobody has a right to question that. I didn’t realize how wrong I had been in assuming that each would respect the other’s culture, tradition, and religious beliefs. By that, I mean that I will not force my lifestyle on anyone who disagrees, and vise vasa. When you are in another country, respect the law and their culture.

Something doesn’t add up.

For example, suppose you are visiting a country where it is never customary to use the left hand when interacting with others. You don’t use your left hand to shake hands or accept anything while you’re there, and I thought everyone was on board with this. The other area where I didn’t realize I was wrong is democracy itself. I had always believed democracy was a lie, but at least I accepted their majority voting system as the truth. I mean the absolute power of the majority. It was a complete shock to me that amid all the problems in the world, the United States made sexual orientation their top priority. Huh?!

There was an earthquake in Turkey, and we have a serious migration problem in Europe. There is inflation in the United States. So how can sexual orientation become an issue defended by the US against other countries designated as its allies? The United States threatens its association with African supporters. It vows to destroy the economic aegis or impose sanctions simply because those allies do not recognize sexual orientation as the most severe problem. Why the obsession with sexual orientation? Something doesn’t add up. Let me dig a little deeper. In today’s world, the majority are heterosexual.

In terms of sexual orientation, LGBTQIA+ consists of a tiny percentage. While we should not discriminate against or encourage bigotry, democracy dictates that the majority rule. Many people cited the rise in middle-class poverty, the future retirement crisis, and climate change as the most pressing. The West suddenly has an insatiable obsession. It promotes LGBTQIA+ culture and lifestyle among its conservative Christian and Muslim allies. This does more harm than good. Foreign lawmakers draw a line where they would have ignored such matters, leaving those LGBTQIA+ communities to coexist peacefully.

You cannot teach one to accept the end of their genetic existence.

The arrival of Western NGOs and political delegates to press Africa has caused some leaders to grow suspicious. These are former colonizers. Africa has a rule of law, customs, and religion. Why are Westerners disregarding African constitutions? I once lived in Canada while using my Hip Hop platform to correct the finger-pointing propaganda of what they call homophobia. It backfired because many were so obsessed with sexual orientation. Being of other cultures, I saw that they used the word homophobia broadly, ignoring the others’ well-established religious standards and traditions. What for?

Why cause division in the world? It seemed just as unfair to discriminate against LGBTQIA+ as disregarding people with established beliefs, norms, practices, and civilizations. Long-established tribes or clans in Africa, Europe, Asia, and the Middle East have different cultures. Many of them take the heterosexual family very seriously. It’s the lifeline for the continuation of their existence. A minority thought process cannot override all that within one or two decades. You cannot teach one to accept the end of their genetic existence. Logic must be tolerated. And… where did homophobia originate?

Africa’s act of homophobia stems from our Abrahamic faith. From the African perspective, Jews, Arabs, and Europeans diligently took it upon themselves to establish this faith within our culture. It’s now a part of who we are as a people. How could there come a word (homophobia) that ignores all of that history and sacrifice? We have already invested generations into the idea of God, family, and country. Our ancestors have paid the ultimate price. Of course, this message will backfire on every corner in the West. They will label Africa as a homophobe, ostracize, and disregard our religion, tradition, or concerns.

The West levied Christianity on our ancestors and made its doctrine absolute.

Like I’ve said, I honestly didn’t know the West loved homosexuality this much. Considering the sacrifices they are willing to make to savor their partnership. This is a region that hasn’t even fully addressed racism or slavery. Perhaps because sexual orientation had been concealed all those years, we’ve never learned the true extent of its influence. Where the West is concerned, this matter seems to have a HUGE irony. It was the West that beat homophobia into us. When Europeans started to dock their ships, our ancestors were in Africa, minding their business. We had no idea that the so-called explorers were spies.

We didn’t know that the merchants were slave traders. By the time we realized the true intentions of the Westerners, we had become their slaves. Four hundred years of wildness. Think about it. At least they could have treated their slaves with some dignity. There were no human rights talks, and no one ever held the West accountable for what they did in Africa. They benefited from that mentality. Africans faced indignity, suffering, or death. One should see why Africans would be suspicious if the West reemerged with LGBTQIA+ ideology. The West levied Christianity on our ancestors and made its doctrine absolute.

There have been witch hunts in which the pioneers of established traditional African religions have been hunted down, imprisoned, banished, or murdered. Christian missionaries of all denominations flooded the continent. They built churches and evangelized. There was aggressive religious propaganda. Every African city, town, or village today has a Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, or Evangelical church. The West levied this homophobic mentality on us. They taught their Bible in our schools. We’ve had regular morning devotions and prayers in most African schools. And I haven’t accounted for Islam yet.

African invaders and occupiers wanted us to think along the same lines and accept the values they were used to. That is what gave them a psychological advantage over the natives. Now that we have mastered all Abrahamic faiths, the West is turning to secularism and infiltrating Africa again to promote radical feminism and LGBTQIA+ism. The Africans believe the West is setting new rules for the game, which they intend to win at our expense. There are fears that the United States and Europe may resort to old colonial tricks. So, in summary, I don’t think Africans rejected LGBTQIA+ just because of homophobia.

The introduction of LGBTQIA+ forces Africa to operate with a mentality they are not fully accustomed to. Some also accuse the West of assassinating prominent African leaders or overthrowing newly independent African governments. That reeks of exploitation. Africa still suffers the ravages of slavery and colonialization. There were decades of civil wars. Poverty is at such height thousands of solid African men risk their chances of survival. They cross the Meditation Sea on ill-equipped boats for better financial conditions. Africans cannot afford another wave of civil wars and exploitation. We demand consistency.

We know the West did not dominate Africa because of the ignorance of our ancestors. The West used deceit and brute force. The West using human rights as an argument to justify the new rules they want to implement is even more suspect because of its history in Africa. That is why people reject the new ideology. No one would have cared if LGBTQIA+ people lived together peacefully with heteros had they not tried to spread those tenets. However, based on history, the spread of Western propaganda is automatically suspected in Africa. Every one will say no to keep the flow as it is. The fox is outside.*

About Post Author

Wilfred Kanu Jr.

Wilfred Kanu Jr., known as Freddy Will, is a Sierra Leonean-born American author, music producer, and recording artist. He writes on history, philosophy, geopolitics, biography, poetry, public discourse, and fiction. He resides in Berlin, Germany, mixing hip-hop music with jazz, calypso, dancehall, classical, r&b, and afrobeat.
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