Following 2015, the progressive wing of the mainstream media drove us to resent the famous Republican motto, “Make America Great Again.” I’ve sat back and reserved my evaluations of the North American public. How well do we know our government? There is a disturbing pattern. North Americans will sleepwalk through a circumstance. Then become experts in that same circumstance after the fact. This revelation is especially true for the black community. You may have heard numerous conspiracy theories. In most instances, the black community never sees the proverbial wolf in sheep’s clothing. Not until it enters the coop. We always find out later and complain after the wolf’s feast.
Racism, prejudice, and discrimination are global mental health problems.”
That’s why I leaned back to see how we would react. As Africans or Blacks, how do we interpret the slogan, “Make America Great Again”? Our answer should correlate with our perception of patriotism. Well, a harsh Democrat might come for my head. Let me ask this MAGA question. How can America be great again, only for the “white” people? Most countries that America competes with are either “white” or non-black. Don’t black people in other advanced countries also experience the same inequalities and deprivations that Blacks undergo in America? Racism, prejudice, and discrimination are global mental health problems.
Here is an excellent argument to ponder and debate over. Let’s compare the standard of living, access to opportunities, and freedoms the average black person enjoys in North America. Is it on the same level as those in Europe, Asia, or Australia, for example? Would we be erroneous if we conclude that Blacks in North America lead their counterparts regarding economic opportunities in other parts of the world? On that same note, one can attest that the once-admired image of North Americans has diminished worldwide. At least over the past two decades, it has. In that respect, we Americans have lost our luster on the global frontier. Why does the Liberal flank of the media disregard these facts?

Yes, it’s true. The Republicans criticized President Obama relentlessly when he was in the Oval Office. They even prevented many of his policies from taking effect. However, once they came to power, the Democrats did the same to President Trump. It begs to question. What is the Republican and the Democratic’s exact interpretation of patriotism? Are they blocking each other’s policies for the benefit of the people or themselves? That question is crucial. Watch CNN, for instance, and you will see that they report negatively against Donald Trump despite if he is right. Yet, they rarely do the same when the Democrats are corrupt. So how can we trust them to report the unbiased truth?
I’ve noticed a disturbing pattern in which North Americans sleepwalk through a circumstance only to become experts in that same circumstance”
Every Black or African person asks the most common question about the MAGA slogan: “When was the United States ever great for Blacks?” The logic behind that question is factual. The United States has never been economically, politically, or ethically satisfying for Blacks. Therefore, making it great again could only benefit the Caucasian people. Do we believe every Caucasian always has a cherry on their proverbial cake? That is, if we interpret the MAGA slogan from a domestic perspective. That’s when that argument is legible. Nevertheless, from an international perspective, we would be amiss. The international reputation of the United States is significant. And if so, we are sleepwalking once again.
Do we have twenty years to sleep on another conspiracy theory to lament in future songs, books, documentaries, or movies? I’m not here to praise Donald Trump. I’m here to explain the slogan, “Make the United States great again.” And to do so, one must compare the two policies of the current administration: national and foreign. When we study the Donald Trump administration, we observe that his domestic approach has been more open-minded than the last two Democratic administrations. There has even been a notable increase in second-chance prison reforms favoring Black prisoners. Where is racial differentiation supposed to make America whiter than it was?

Under the Trump administration, we have also seen a rise in employment for all minority groups. The US economy is at its best right now. Yes, President Obama launched many of the signs of progress we see. Some data can be used to argue that the Trump administration inherited an excellent economy from the administration of former President Obama. Still, making America great again is a statement of national endearment. When Americans travel around the world, we meet many people who are resentful and disrespectful to us. Many people from other countries do all they can to cheat the US citizen in any financial or commercial arrangement. That is without looking at the race.
Try to be an American in Paris or Amsterdam and take a taxi without knowing where you are going. See if the taxi driver does not make a fool of you. That’s just taking a cab. In most places you go, people treat you indignantly because you are an American. In the days when people liked an American who appeared in clean sneakers, a white T-shirt, and blue jeans, we felt proud to say we were American. It is a fact; some people even think their military can defeat the US Army at war. They scorn that we need three jobs to make ends meet, the bad roads, the dilapidated infrastructure, and the lack of comprehensive health care in the United States. They rub them in our faces.
Besides China and India, many countries do not have a large armies because America gives them billions of dollars and protects them for free. They spend their budget on employment, health care, education, and new technologies. North America is still “great” from an international perspective, and that’s what I believe the term MAGA represents. Regarding Trump’s immigration policy, we can maintain that his general rhetoric is insensitive, but his points are accurate. Of course, I don’t want to see broken families. I back the Dream Act, and I do not like selective immigration. The United States is a land of opportunities; people from impoverished nations should be able to emigrate there.
That does not mean that the struggle in the Black community is over..”
However, name a country that will open its borders for a caravan of more than twenty thousand people to march through. Many countries have a stricter immigration policies than the United States. No nation will authorize it. Have you tried visiting India? Or Dubai, for example? In some societies, the authorities suspend your passport the moment you arrive, restrict your movement within the country, and pay you a visit when your visa expires. I was born in Sierra Leone, and as I have naturalized in the United States and Canada, I need a visa to enter Sierra Leone.
Nobody knows that President Trump talks about ours while leaders from other states are silent about theirs. Making America Great Again seems to represent the brand change of the global image of the United States. It seems less applicable to the national system and more relevant to the international platform. That does not mean that the struggle in the Black community is over. *